Global Magneto-Ionic Medium Survey

GMIMS is a collaboration of scientists around the world with the aim of probing the three-dimensional structure of magnetized, ionized gas in the interstellar medium of the Milky Way Galaxy. To do so, we are surveying the entire sky, north and south, with large single-dish radio telescopes aiming to measure linear polarization from 300 to 1800 MHz.


GMIMS consists of several different surveys.

  • GMIMS-Low Band South: 300 – 480 MHz, Parkes Telescope Murriyang, declination < +20°, Wolleben et al (2019)
  • GMIMS-Low Band North:
    • 400 – 800 MHz, CHIME Telescope, declination > 0°, observing complete
    • 350 – 1030 MHz, DRAO 15 m Telescope, declination > -20°, observing complete
  • GMIMS-Mid Band South: 704 – 1440 MHz, Parkes Telescope Murriyang, declination < +20°, observing >50% complete
  • GMIMS-Mid Band North: 900 – 1700 MHz, DRAO 15 m Telescope and/or John A. Galt Telescope, declination > -20°, planned
  • GMIMS-High Band South (STAPS): 1300 – 1800 MHz, Parkes Telescope Murriyang, observing complete
  • GMIMS-High Band North: 1280 – 1750 MHz, John A. Galt Telescope, declination > -30°, Wolleben et al (2021)